:: The Bitch Girls ::

Where the Personal becomes the Political at our whim...
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:: Friday, January 03, 2003 ::

Porn! Not good porn, but actual child porn is still unconstitutional. Contrary to what one of my professors thought, the decision in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition did not mean that any and all laws against child pornography were simply abolished. Well, I should correct that. She presented the decision as such the next morning in class. Knowing this was one of her pet issues, and that I hated almost everything she ever argued in class, I read the whole damn decision and went to class armed with tons of quotes highlighted on the printout. It's amazing how quickly she suddenly decided to add in the "details" of the decision when I started questioning her about it. (It was interesting to hear how the "details" ended up completely changing the decision as she had presented it.) Professors like that do far more harm than good, and she hated me after that day. (Actually, she already wasn't my biggest fan because I was the only female to argue in favor of a market approach to media over complete government control. [This class was at another institution, and predominantly male.] Apparently my gender was supposed to represent which side I should be on.) Anyway, I thank blogs for helping me out that day last April. I had started reading them the month before, and only a couple of mouse clicks took me to exactly the sources that I was looking for.

:: Bitter 5:13 PM [+] ::
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