:: The Bitch Girls ::

Where the Personal becomes the Political at our whim...
:: Welcome to The Bitch Girls :: bloghome | bitter at thebitchgirls.us ::
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:: Saturday, October 19, 2002 ::

College Girl Porn So Preppy stumbled across the Smithie Girls website today. I've met the women who run this site before. I thought it was an interesting idea, the only thing that I warned them about was the use of the name Smith. I don't know how protective the college is of use of their name. I do agree with Preppy on the question she asks about image being more important than tolerance and respect. Isn't that what college students love to boast about, their open minds that will tolerate any lifestyle? We won't even go into the reality of the answer to that question. But aside from all the serious stuff, here's my favorite part about the site:
So we had a meeting of editors this evening. After a mad dash to the liquor store, and then another mad dash through 7-11, and a mad dash through the drive-through, we came back to sg.com HQ and watched porn while discussing what else the site needs.
Maybe the officers of a club that I'm a part of need to make the meetings more like that. I think with enough liquor and at least pictures of cute boys, the turnout would triple. Maybe the other Bitches and I need to play a discussion of the website like that. Only I think we would have to leave out the porn because of Baby Bitch. We wouldn't want to corrupt our little first-year.

Not Porn This is another part of my exciting day that I forgot to mention. My mom sent me a cute Halloween card today.
Front Cover: It's that time of year when EVIL lurks around every corner...when SLIMY, LOATHSOME CREATURES appear at your door, and they ALL WANT SOMETHING FROM YOU. Inside: Your Vote.
I thought I should share the amusement with everyone.

:: Bitter 1:23 AM [+] ::
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