:: The Bitch Girls ::

Where the Personal becomes the Political at our whim...
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:: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 ::

Call for help. Bitter is a senior. Bitter wants a job to pay off the $13,000 in loans she'll have when she graduates. So unless some unbelievably wealthy guy steps up to sweep Bitter off her feet (maybe even making her unBitter), pay off those loans, buys her a small house on a small plot of land in the middle of Montana, and pays general living expenses, then she needs a job. What kind of job? Well, I thought I wanted to go into politics when I started college. I did the internship with the Congressman and found that it wasn't for me. Glorified social work for many staffers, partisan bs for the others. In the 4 years since my first internship, I found that I want to work with the gun issue. I know the issue and am learning more of the technical stuff everyday. I still have my love of politics, so ideally it would incorporate some element of it. I can handle the press fairly well, and I love working as somewhat of a grassroots organizer. I know an obvious organization is the NRA. I plan on applying there. However, do any of you readers know of any state level groups that might be interested in hiring an enthusiastic, friendly, peppy gun chick in July? I really am not picky about leads. I just want to continue to work on the gun issue. I've even debated going to states that are the most hostile towards gun rights (California, Maryland, Massachusetts) to work. That means essentially giving up my gun rights and my cute little Virginia concealed carry permit. But I would do it for this issue. It is that important to me. Anyway, so if you want to contribute to Bitter's desperate search for a job, feel free to send along any leads. :)

:: Bitter 11:45 AM [+] ::
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