:: The Bitch Girls ::

Where the Personal becomes the Political at our whim...
:: Welcome to The Bitch Girls :: bloghome | bitter at thebitchgirls.us ::
:: We've moved! Come visit us at our new home. However, for those days that Dreamhost pisses us off, this is our backup site.


:: Thursday, November 07, 2002 ::

Dear Boss, Don't ask me to do things not in my job description. Making invitations look pretty was not in the job description. Don't then leave to go to a meeting, miss a few phone calls that I had to take and then come back only to yell at me for not having any invitations looking pretty. Oh yeah, and especially don't do that when I've already done 1/4 of them! Yelling before looking 2 feet in front of you is not something employees like to experience. Don't then constantly comment on how my stickers aren't staying when you can't get the stickers to stay either. Don't get mad when I want to leave when my shift is over, especially when I've been working every second since I came in, and I even got there 10 minutes early. I will admit that sometimes I'm a couple of minutes late, but that's what you get for assigning me to work immediately after a class that is not in your building. Signed, Bitter

:: Bitter 12:34 PM [+] ::
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