MORE than 250 men stripped on Sunday to show the Federal Government they would not stand for war.
Not to be outdone by the 750 women who bared all for their protest at Byron Bay in northern NSW this month, the town's men did the Full Monty and lay in formation to spell out "Peace Man" on a football field.
Celebrity exhibitionists Puppetry of the Penis entertained the nude demonstrators.
Co-organiser Cameron Sparkes-Carroll said the protesters weren't afraid to bare their manhood to denounce small men with big guns.
"We were also making an ironic comment about the small man syndrome that leads to the need for big guns," he said.
Shouldn't the picture on the site be banned as kiddie porn or something? That's just wrong. (Link stolen from Tim Blair.)
On the note of big guns, I have a story. This story is a of a hot guy named Mitchell. Mitchell is a fake name because I just felt like giving him one. Anyway, this gentleman is perhaps a little old, even for me. I believe he's either in his very late 30's or early 40's. He's a wealthy stockbroker, but he's still very genuine and sweet. More importantly, Mitchell has one hell of a gun collection. He has a vault that's about 4 times the size of my dorm room filled with all sorts of goodies that include many machine guns. Another older gentleman friend of mine would like to set me up with Mitchell. I'm a little afraid of being closer to the age of his son than him. However, a girl can certainly dream about a man with many, many big guns and one huge gun vault. :)
:: Bitter 10:31 AM [+] ::